Institute for Research in Social Communication of the Slovak Academy of Sciences held the online seminar “Gender equality in the SAS: The journey and results of the gender audit”
On March 28, 2022, the Institute for Research in Social Communication of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (UVSK SAV) held the online seminar “Gender equality in the SAS: The journey and results of the gender audit”. The event was organised within the scope of the ATHENA project and delivered by Gabriel Bianchi, deputy director at UVSK SAV, Barbora Holubová, project researcher, and Miroslava Žilinská, project manager.
The seminar aimed to present the results of the gender audit and the first steps of the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) at the Slovak Academy of Science (SAS). This talk was also designed to discuss the results and receive feedback from representatives of the institution and stakeholders.
The online event, which about 70 people attended, provided a safe space for fruitful discussions and was one of many other opportunities for mutual discussions and cooperation!
It is worth mentioning that the requirement of GEPs in research institutions is a tool for promoting gender equality in science as it tackles the long-standing unfavourable situation of the low representation of women in science.
The video record of the online seminar in Slovak is available here.