ATHENA e-platform for action is already active!
Our ATHENA e-platform for Action is already active! The e-platform, accessible at www.gender-equality.eu, hosts all the project material and results that can be useful to any actor working for gender equality. Specifically, the e-platform includes resources and tools that contribute to achieve gender equality in science and research by:
- Sharing the material developed by the project, like the trainings that have been carried out so far and further trainings and webinars that will be implemented throughout the project (‘Trainings’ section).
- Supporting the visibility of women researchers and communicating their achievements (‘Women researchers’ section).
- Providing a toolkit to assist project institutions with examples, guidance and inspiration useful for tailoring their institutional GEPs (‘ATHENA Toolkit’ section).
- Facilitating the exchange of experiences and information in the field of gender equality in research and innovation and more specifically in the development and implementation of organisational GEPs (‘Community’ section).
The ‘Trainings’ section already includes the recordings and material of the trainings that have been developed and carried out so far under the project framework. This section will be continuously updated with further ATHENA trainings that will be carried out by the partner research institutions.
As for the section ‘Women researchers’, this section includes a compendium/database of women researchers in Europe to contribute to make them visible and communicate their achievements. The database is open, and any user of the e-platform may contribute by submitting a request that is available within this section. Once the veracity of the data provided is proven, the profile of the women researcher will be published. The women researchers may be identified in terms of geographical location as the e-platform includes a mapping of the data provided.
The ‘ATHENA Toolkit’ is aimed at supporting research institutions that are in the process of developing their GEPs by offering them an array of tools and resources that assist them with examples, guidance and inspiration useful for tailoring their institutional plans. The tools and resources of the Toolkit already compile 74 resources, of which 20 are reports and 54 dynamic resources like videos, webinars, trainings, etc. The resources are organized according to the five content-related thematic areas recommended by the EC (i.e., Work-life balance and organizational culture; gender balance in leadership and decision-making; Gender equality in recruitment and career progression; Integrating the gender dimension into research and teaching content; and measures against gender-based violence, including sexual harassment).
Finally, the ‘Community’ section includes an interactive forum for discussion on the issues of gender equality in research and science. Particularly, the forum provides an opportunity for the ATHENA RPOs and RFOs that will implement their GEPs and other EU research organizations to discuss the specific challenges related to their transformative cultural change and specific issues on the development and implementation of their GEPs at the same time as sharing promising initiatives for promoting gender equality and diversity.
This section also includes a Questions and Answers (Q&A) forum where the project coordinator of ATHENA will answer the questions of partner organisations and other interested stakeholders.
The ATHENA consortium encourages the reader to visit the e-platform and contribute to acting towards gender equality in research and innovation.